
My name is Roman Ondrejka,

I work as a computer technology/network manager and administrator at Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina in Piešťany (Slovakia).

I have been actively involved in collecting and restoring historical personal computers since around 2013, but the idea had been maturing in me much earlier.

My first computer in the first half of the 90s was already an outdated IBM PC XT. There wasn't much I could do with it, so most of the time, I just tinkered with it and tried to see what it was capable of.

As a true nostalgist, I wanted to return to those times later on, and I was particularly drawn to the era of IBM PC computers, which eventually became my hobby.

Currently, I exhibit my historical computers during the "Open Doors Day" at the gymnasium, where visitors have the opportunity to see the most interesting pieces of my collection in working condition. Afterward, I conduct specialized lectures for first-year students, where they learn everything important about the origins and history of personal computers.